Do you know what highly happy and successful people think about all day long? Well, the answer is not farfetched – happy, healthy and successful people think about what they want and how to get it most of the time. The power of positive thinking and growing a positive attitude are two of the most significant qualities a person can acquire in order to change their life.
The Meaning of Optimism
Optimism or positivity comes from the Latin word, “Optimus”, which means “Best”, and describes how an optimistic person is continuously looking for the best in any circumstance and anticipating good things to happen. Optimism is the propensity to believe, anticipate or hope that things will end up well. Even though something bad occurs, such as hearing from your doctor that you have cancer or losing a job, an optimistic person sees the positive aspect or the silver lining – they see it as a good thing. Getting dismissed from your job can be the catalyst that will let you finally start your own business. As you pack your personal belongings out of your office table, your mind should be spinning with the possibilities that lie ahead, not the difficulties – without this positive attitude, you might never be able to make the leap to self-employment.
Optimism has a positive impact on mental health according to studies by the emerging field of positive psychology. Optimism has also been shown to be good on physical health and optimists are reported to live longer and fall sick less often than pessimists. They have fewer heart diseases and their bodies handle stress more effectively. As it seems, a positive attitude on life fortifies the immune system and the body’s resistance against illness.
Happiness through Positive Self-Talk
Being optimistic or pessimistic comes down to the way you talk to yourself. An optimist believes that their own deeds result in positive things occurring. Optimists believe that they are responsible for their own luck or happiness, and that they can expect more good things to happen in the future. An optimistic people do not blame themselves whenever something bad happens – they see bad occurrences as results of something that are not from within them. Don’t blame yourself for losing your job; rather see it as a business decision that has nothing to do with you as a person.
A pessimistic person however thinks in a contrary manner. They blame themselves for the bad things that occur in their lives and somehow belief that one mistake or bad occurrence signifies that more of that are on their way to them. Pessimists view positive events as strokes of lucks that they have no control over – a luck streak that most likely will not repeat itself.
What Positive Thoughts Do to Your Brain
Positive emotions have been found to expand one’s sense of possibilities and open up your mind to more choices. When you experience positive emotions such as contentment, love and happiness, you’ll see more possibilities in your life, and this is just the beginning of exciting things happening in your life.

Make today the best day it can be and remember every cloud has a silver lining if you look for it!

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